Prof. Dr. Kathrin Köster

Kathrin is a transformation expert, in theory and practice.She is convinced that successful transformation of organizations and society is based on personal transformation based on inner leadership principles.Therefore, she engages in transformational development on both levels, the collective and individual level.With this purpose in mind, Kathrin has founded two organizations that approach transformation from different angles:The Joy Academy is dedicated to developing individual awareness and inner leadership.Köster + Partner focuses on the design and development of organizations that are aware of their purpose and take full responsibility for their undertakings.As a leadership professor, Kathrin serves as a faculty member of the Executive Academy of Wirtschaftsuniversität Vienna.

Previously worked for:

WU Executive Academy, Hochschule Heilbronn, Koester + Partner, The Joy Academy

Courses taught on:

Degree Programs

Skills you can learn

Responsible Leaders

Responsible Organizations

Self Development

Research Profile

Key research areas and highlights.

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Köster’s academic contributions focus on the intersections of responsible leadership, corporate social performance, and the role of alignment in navigating modern challenges. Her co-authored chapter, Artificial Intelligence Calls for Inner Alignment (AI for IA) (2021), examines how personal and organizational alignment is critical in leveraging artificial intelligence ethically and effectively. By integrating principles of responsible management education with inner leadership, Kathrin provides a forward-looking framework for leaders to address the complex interplay of AI and societal values.

Books (Monographs)

Köster, Kathrin 2018. The United States of You. Hamburg, Tredition

Köster, Kathrin 2021. Inner Leadership – selbstbewusst und authentisch führen, Wiesbaden: GablerSpringer

Köster, Kathrin (2015). Corporations and Corporate Social Performance – be genuine, simplify, or leave it…. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch (Ed.), Corporate Social Performance: Paradoxes, Pitfalls and Pathways to the Better World (S.123-149). Charlotte: Information Age.

Köster, Kathrin; & Kreppel, Adrian Uwe (2021). Artificial Intelligence calls for Inner Alignment (AI for IA), In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch & W. Amann (Ed.): Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) in the age of artificial intelligence (AI) – opportunities, threats, and the way forward (S.61-87) Charlotte: Information Age Publishing

Professional Community Services

Kathrin has re-focused her services on voluntary work with the mission for awareness building, especially with school children. She also designs and conducts programs to help teachers to apply the ‘Inner Team Approach with the Formies’ for unfolding talent of school children.

Consulting / Entrepreneurship Projects

Leadership and cultural transformation with the 12 Alignments in various companies and start-ups.