Embracing Growth and Impact: Lucca's Journey from Legal Aspirations to Sustainability and Technology at Tomorrow University

Lucca Segner is a PM in SET learner with a strong belief that “Every choice we make now allows us to manipulate the future.”
Lucca didn't join the PM in SET with a clear outcome in mind; he was inspired to make an impact and determined to find a way to do so in the program.
The beginning
From his early days in Frankfurt, Lucca always had his mind focused on growth. He studied German Law at the European University of Viadrina and started working in the law field. He took the state examination (“Staatsexamen”) with the results leading Lucca down a different path than expected.
“In my opinion, the greatest challenges are defeats and mistakes, from which one grows, as this shows fighting spirit and strength of character.”
Lucca was set on becoming a lawyer at an international law firm and he explored all the ways he could get there. He later secured an internship at a LegalTech startup and went on to receive a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), which led him to work in the public sector. He did this alongside his regular German Law studies to gain more international experience.
Joining ToU
After succeeding in law and feeling he needed a new perspective, Lucca decided to study at ToU because of his interest and dedication to sustainability, entrepreneurship, and technology. He wanted to gain credibility in these fields and was drawn to the international community of impact-driven individuals that ToU has to offer. The program has been an enriching experience for Lucca, as he learns something new every day.
As a learner, he’s currently working on the technology portion of the PM in SET — it's the part he was most interested in when joining the program. He continues to work full-time as he studies and enjoys doing both simultaneously. Most learners work and travel as they study — Lucca is no exception.
“I see the challenges as a marathon, not a sprint. If you do something every day, it adds up and in the end, you'll reach your goal in better shape.”
How it’s going
Currently, Lucca is working at the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control. Lucca made the decision never to settle for that status quo. He’s always looking for the possibility to grow and takes advantage of all the resources at his disposal.
So what’s next for Lucca?
“I want to have a positive impact on our planet. The PM in SET will help me open doors that are not yet unlocked.”

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