Tech Innovator-Stipendium



Invest in Your Future: Financing for Your Online Master's Degree

With our flexible tuition model we offer various payment options and financial assistance opportunities to suit your financial needs. Download our brochure today to discover more about our online Master of Science (CE) in Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, and Technology.

Payment options

At Tomorrow University, we understand the importance of accessible education. That's why we offer a range of flexible payment options to suit your needs. Additionally, we provide various scholarship opportunities and funding resources to help you achieve your educational goals. Our dedicated Admissions Team is here to assist you in finding the right financial solution for your future. Speak with us today and let us help you finance your journey towards success..

Total: €27.000
To reserve your study placement, you must make a 10% payment of your total tuition as a confirmation fee.
Then, the remaining balance can be paid in 1-5 installments over the course of the program, depending on the installment type of your choice.

Master’s degree scholarships

We offer a variety of scholarship opportunities with different criteria for applying depending on merit, need, and professional background. Receive up to a €6.000 grant - our scholarships are compatible with our Early-Bird tuition reductions. You can apply for your program and scholarship simultaneously; the standard program application deadline will also apply to your scholarship. If you are unsure, please contact our Admissions team to help you find the one that best fits your background.

Important: Only 4 scholarships will be awarded per intake across scholarship types, these are granted on a first come first serve basis.

Scholarship amount: €6.000
Sustainability Impact Scholarship

Tailored for forward-thinking individuals passionate about shaping a sustainable future, this scholarship is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of global sustainability leaders. We invite candidates who not only exhibit leadership potential but also possess a broad global perspective and a deep-seated commitment to advancing sustainable practices in innovative ways.

Scholarship amount: €6.000
Entrepreneurial Talent Scholarship

This scholarship is aimed at nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit of individuals who demonstrate the potential for innovative thinking and have the ambition to launch their entrepreneurial projects, or scale existing ventures. It encourages those with entrepreneurial ideas to take the next step toward making their visions a reality.

Scholarship amount: €6.000
Tech Innovator Scholarship

The Tech Innovator Scholarship is an exclusive opportunity for tech visionaries. This scholarship is tailor-made for individuals who possess a relentless drive to harness the power of technology to shape a brighter and more innovative future. Open to Tech Enthusiasts, Problem Solvers, and Future Technopreneurs, we seek those with a deep Passion for Technology, an Innovative Mindset, and a Clear Vision for leveraging tech to drive positive change.

Scholarship amount: €6.000
Global Diversity Scholarship

Focused on closing the opportunity gap across the disciplines of sustainable business and technology management, this scholarship supports traditionally underrepresented talents, including the LGBTQIA+, individuals from Black, Asian, traveler and mixed heritage, as well as neurodiverse backgrounds, to bring diverse voices to these innovative fields.

Early-bird benefits

Secure your spot today by applying early and receive a tuition reduction in the process. It's important to keep the relevant dates in mind and apply before the deadline. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get ahead and take advantage of the early application tuition credit. Apply now to kickstart your journey and secure your place for the upcoming intake.

See admissions timeline

Tax refund

By deducting your study fees as "income-related expenses," you have the potential to save a substantial amount of money. Depending on your country of residence and income level, you may be eligible for a refund of up to €5.000. To learn more about this opportunity and how it can benefit you, please schedule a call with us.

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Collective Impact Referral Program

Would you like to study with a member of your network or suggest one of our programs to a friend? If you do, both you and your referral could qualify for a €500 tuition reduction. To learn more about our referral program, please click on the link below.

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Deutsche Bildung

Deutsche Bildung offers monthly or lump-sum payments to allow students to concentrate on their studies fully. Furthermore, access to Deutsche Bildung Academy gives students the skills to succeed in their studies and early careers. Repayment is based on income share agreements and is used to finance a new generation of students. Applications are accepted all year round at

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Tuition Example

Have a look at a final tuition example. After applying by Early-Bird deadlines, applying for a scholarship, or even referring a friend it's possible to receive a substantial tuition credit.

Super Early-Bird
Final tuition after credit

Secure your future: invest in yourself today

We are dedicated to promoting accessibility and inclusivity, and thus, we strongly encourage all applicants to apply for both early application credit and at least one scholarship opportunity. We recognize that selecting a post graduate degree program can be a significant step towards shaping your future, and we are committed to assisting you in this process. Learn about our financing opportunities here.

Dr. Thomas Funke
Mitbegründer und CEO
María Rivero
Lernender und Zulassungsmanager
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Dr. Thomas Funke
Mitbegründer und CEO
María Rivero
Lernender und Zulassungsmanager