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The Hidden Power of Your Finances: How to Use Your Money for Positive Impact

Merilyn Tammaru

The Power of Your Finances

How Your Bank & Pension Can Change the World

In today’s world, your financial choices carry significant influence. Dan Sherrard-Smith, founder of MotherTree, discusses in our MasterClass Episode how individuals and businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and foster positive social change by opting for ethical banks and pensions. If you'd like to watch the entire session, you can follow this link to access the full MasterClass.

Dan Sherrard-Smith is the founder and CEO of MotherTree, a company focused on helping people and businesses cut their carbon footprint through smarter financial choices. His platform makes it easier to switch to greener banks and pension providers, significantly reducing carbon emissions. Before MotherTree, Dan was part of Look After My Bills, a service that saved the UK public millions by helping them find better deals on energy bills. His mission with MotherTree is simple: to make everyday financial decisions count towards a more sustainable future.

3 Things We Should All Know About Sustainable Finances

Here are 3 insightful things we learned from Dan Sherrard-Smith’s Talk:

1. Banks and Pensions Are Hidden Sources of Carbon Emissions

Your bank and pension investments can account for over 50% of your carbon footprint. Choosing ethical options can reduce emissions and support sustainable industries.

2. Ethical Financial Choices Yield Better Returns

Sustainable pension funds have outperformed traditional ones by about 15% over the past five years, proving that doing good can also lead to financial gains.

3. Small Changes can Lead to Big Impact

Switching your bank or adjusting your pension can influence areas like biodiversity and social equality, aligning your money with your values.

Why You Should Care About Sustainable Finance

Most people are unaware that their financial choices—where they bank and how their pension is invested—play a critical role in the global effort to combat climate change. Dan explains the immense potential for positive change, and how to begin making more ethical choices that align with a sustainable future.

Take the First Step Towards Ethical Financial Decisions

Sustainability is not just about lifestyle choices like reducing waste or energy consumption—it’s also about making smart financial decisions. Dan Sherrard-Smith outlines how businesses and individuals can reduce their carbon footprint, save money, and create positive social impacts simply by reviewing their banking and pension options. Ready to make informed, ethical decisions? Explore our courses in sustainability and leadership to gain the skills and knowledge to lead the way towards a more sustainable financial future.

Register to watch the entire conversation

Did you miss this masterclass? You can rewatch the entire conversation by registering below👇 Leave your contact details, and we will send you the link to the full recording. For more news and upcoming events, follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok. 🚀🧠

Merilyn Tammaru
Merilyn Tammaru

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