Prof. Dr. Maximilian Lude

Maximilian Lude is professor for Innovation & Strategy as well as co-program director of Responsible Entrepreneurship & Management at Tomorrow University. Concurrently he is Founder & Managing Partner at philoneos GmbH, a strategy and innovation consultancy for family businesses located in Munich.

Previously worked for:

Politecnico di Milano, Zeppelin University, Technische Universität München, BMW

Skills you can learn

Entrepreneurship & Business Model Innovation

Marketing, Marketing and Strategy, Marketing & Branding

Strategic Brand Management & Family Firm Branding

Marketing and Innovation Management

Employer Branding – Family Firms vs. StartUps?

Introduction in Business Administration

Marketing for Family Firms

Introduction in Scientific Research

Research Profile

Key research areas and highlights.

In research and teaching he specializes in the intersection between innovation and marketing. This covers business model innovation, innovation culture, ambidexterity, as well as marketing and brand related challenges and research questions. Thereby he focuses on small & medium sized companies as well as family firms. Max's research has been published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ETP), Psychology & Marketing, or Journal of Business Research. Maximilian also serves as Reviewer for several journals such as Journal of Brand Management and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice and is Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Family Business Strategy.


Journal Articles Peer Reviewed

Jaufenthaler, P., Koll, O., Lude, M., & Prügl, R. (2023). Country Differences in Family Firm Reputation: An Exploration in Germany, India, and the United States. Family Business Review, 08944865231192339.

Lude, M., Prügl, R., & Rauschendorfer, N. (2023). Who let the dog’s out? How underdog biographies told by family firms affect consumers’ brand attitude. Journal of Product & Brand Management.

Rauschendorfer, N., Prügl, R., & Lude, M. (2022). Love is in the air. Consumers' perception of products from firms signaling their family nature. Psychology & Marketing, 39(1), 239-249.

Lude, M., & Prügl, R. (2021). Experimental studies in family business research. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 12(1), 100361.

Lude, M; Prügl, R. (2019). Risky decisions and the family firm bias: An experimental study based on prospect theory. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43(2), 386-408.

Lude, M; Prügl, R. (2018). Why the family business brand matters: Brand authenticity and the family firm trust inference. Journal of Business Research, 89, 121-134.

List of Papers

Working Papers

Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard; Hack, Andreas; Nyffenegger, Bettina: The Brand Trust Dilemma of Family Firms: Lasting Damage or Rapid Rehabilitation following a Crisis?

Rauschendorfer, Natalie; Lude, Maximilian; Waldkirch, Matthias; Prügl, Reinhard: Perception is King - How perceived family ownership of a firm affects the affective commitment and job satisfaction of Generation Y non-family employees.

Kotlar, Josip; Frattini, Federico**; Lude, Maximilian**; Prügl, Reinhard: Evaluation of Innovative Ideas in Family Firms: Exploring the Family Source Bias.

Full Conference Papers

Lude, Maximilian; Kotlar, Josip; Frattini, Federico; Zehender, Ann-Kristin; Prügl, Reinhard: Where do ideas come from and which ones are most likely implemented? Unveiling the Family Firm Ideation Bias. Accepted for presentation at the International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Milano, IT (May 2021).

Rauschendorfer, Natalie; Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard: All we need is love, do we? How and why a Family Firm Background Affects Consumer’s Perception. Accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management 2019 Annual Conference (AOM), Boston, USA (August 2019).

Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard; Rauschendorfer, Natalie; Spitzley, Dinah: Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do…? The fall of brand trust in family firms following a crisis. Accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management 2019 Annual Conference (AOM), Boston, USA (August 2019).

Rauschendorfer, Natalie; Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard; Spitzley, Dinah. Where Is the Love? How and Why A Family Firm Background Affects Consumer’s Love Perception, 2019, International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Bergamo, Italy (June 2019).

Spitzley, Dinah; Prügl, Reinhard; Rauschendorfer, Natalie; Lude, Maximilian. Dynamics of Emotional Ownership and Career Choice of Next Generation Members, 2019, International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Bergamo, Italy.

Lude, Maximilian: Employer Branding in Family Firms – The Adhesive Role of the Family Nature of the Firm. Accepted for presentation at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2017 Annual Conference (IFERA), Zadar, Croatia (June 2017).

Porth, Robin; Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard: How brand biographies affect consumers perception of brand authenticity and brand trust in the context of family firms. Accepted for presentation at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2017 Annual Conference (IFERA), Zadar, Croatia (Best Paper Award).

Spitzley, Dinah; Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard: How, when and why the family nature of a firm affects major stakeholders: exploring the “family brand” in the b2b context. Accepted for presentation at the 17th European Academy of Management Annual Conference (EURAM), Glasgow, Scotland (June 2017).

Porth, Robin; Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard: How Brand Biographies affect Consumers’ Percepiton of Brand Authenticity and Brand Trust in the Context of Family Firms, 2017, European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), Glasgow, Scotland, UK (June 2017).

Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard: Investors and family firm bias: An experimental study based on prospect theory, Theory of the Family Enterprise (TOFE), St. Gallen, Switzerland, (May 2017)

Lude, Maximilian: Reputational Damage or rapid rehabilitation? How family firms outlive crisis. Accepted for presentation at German speaking Conference for Family Business Research (FIFU), Berlin, Germany (March 2017)

Lude, Maximilian; Beck, Susanne; Prügl, Reinhard: Perceived innovation ability of family firms: An experimental study. Poster presentation at IFERA Research Development Workshop, Bolzano, Italy (March 2017)

Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard: Effects of Communicating the Family Firm Status on Brand Perception: Insights from an Experimental Study. Accepted for presentation at the16th European Academy of Management Annual Conference (EURAM), Paris, France (June 2016).

Beck, Susanne; Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard: Discovering the ‘Since Effect’ – How Communicating the Company Age Affects Consumers’ Brand Perception. Accepted for presentation at the European Marketing Conference (EMAC), Oslo, Norway (May 2016).

Lude, Maximilian; Hauck, Jana; Linzmajer, Marc; Hubert, Marco; Prügl, Reinhard: Co-Creation Revisited - When Co-Creation jeopardizes companies’ perceived innovation ability. Accepted for presentation at the International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Glasgow, Scotland (June 2016).

Lude, Maximilian; Beck, Susanne; Prügl, Reinhard: When the Image gets Wrinkles – the Perceived Innovation Ability of Family Firms. Accepted for presentation at the International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Glasgow, Scotland (June 2016).

Articles in Non-Refereed Journals / Newspapers / Magazines / Blogs

Maximilian Lude, Dr. Ursula Koners, Sebastian Bartling und Prof. Dr. Reinhard Prügl: „Er gehört zu mir, wie mein Name an der Tür“. Zeitschrift für Familienunternehmen und Strategie (Ausgabe 3/2018)

Jourdan, Gabriel; Lude, Maximilian; Prügl, Reinhard: Weißt du wie viel Sternlein stehen? Was Sterne und Bewertungen bewirken können – Einblicke in die Gesetze des digitalen Ökosystems „Appstore“. Marke 41, 4(2017), p. 30-36

Lude, Maximilian; Spitzley, Dinah: Employer Branding für Familienunternehmen – Wo sich die Generation Y wohlfühlt. IHK Schwaben (2017)

Lude, Maximilian: Appell zu einem mutigeren Markenauftritt von Familienunternehmen – Der Einfluss der Markengovernance auf die Markenwahrnehmung, zupFIF, 2015; Jg. 5 (1): 27-34.

Book Chapters

Botero, Isabel. C; Spitzley, Dinah; Lude, Maximilian; & Prügl, Reinhard. (2019). Exploring the role of family firm identity and market focus on the heterogeneity of family business branding strategies. In The Palgrave handbook of heterogeneity among family firms (pp. 909-932). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Bechthold, L., Lude, M., & Prügl, R. (2021). Crisis Favors the Prepared Firm: How Organizational Ambidexterity Relates to Perceptions of Organizational Resilience. In Resiliency Models and Addressing Future Risks for Family Firms in the Tourism Industry (pp. 178-205). IGI Global.

Professional Community Services

Review Activities

  • Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (ETP)
  • Journal of Family Business Strategy (JFBS)
  • Journal of Brand Management (JoBM)
  • Journal of Business Research (JBR)
  • Academy of Management Annual Conference (AOM)
  • International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference (IFERA)

Organizational & Editorship Activities

Journal of Family Business Strategy, Member of the Editorial Board (JFBS)


International Best Paper Awards

  • Best Overall Conference Paper Award (IFERA 2017), together with Reinhard Prügl and Robin Porth, International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), June 2017.
  • Most Innovative Paper Award (Strategic Interest Group Family Business Research at European Academy of Management, EURAM 2017)
  • Most Inspirational Paper Award overall EURAM 2017 Runner-up (European Academy of Management, EURAM 2017)


  • Member of Strategic Interest Group (SIG) ‘Family Business Research’ at European Academy of Management (EURAM); 2016-2018
  • Research Workshop on Experimental Research Designs in Family Business Research at International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Conference 2020, 2022, 2023

Consulting / Entrepreneurship Projects

  • 50+ consulting and co-creation projects focusing on innovation strategy, business model innovation and strategy. Among others: LAAX, Sacher, MVG/SWM, Gentner, Verkehrsbüro, Eurotours, HEAD, Kieback & Peter, Pfeifer Group, mey, Uzin Utz AG, WWP,…
  • 100+ Key Notes on Innovation, Ambidexterity, Future, Future of Work, Family Firms. Clients among others: Fujitsu, Bosch, Spar, Rexroth, Wella, WKO, Markant,…
  • Co-Founder of philoneos GmbH
  • Business Angel Activities